May 30, 2010

The Wild World of Publishing

When I submitted Aurora to reddit, I got several responses suggesting that I publish the game on Steam. Then I got some good feedback from my friends when they were beta testing the game. Yesterday was the seasonal open house for Tiltfactor (where I'm now a Fellow, by the way) and I put Aurora on one of the computers; people were playing it for the entire two hours, getting sucked in the whole while. One of my old professors played for an hour straight.

The upshot of all this is that I'm feeling pretty positive about the prospect of actually trying to sell Aurora. Like, for money. That would be a big first for me. And though I don't stand to make a ton of money, if I found any success at all it would force me to start thinking of myself as a professional game designer rather than just another wannabe.

I've started to lurk in the Indiegamer Developer forums, learning about what it takes to host a decent site, get the word out, set up payment processing, and all the other trivia one must know in order to actually self-publish a game. I can't work on it or sell it while I'm at Bethesda, but before I start work there, I want to set myself up to get started as quickly as possible. I'd love to see someone review the game, and getting it on Steam (maybe, eventually) would be absolutely awesome.

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